Sunday, December 5, 2010

What does it take to create a change??

   Throughout our lives as well as the lives of all of those before us, there have always been many important social issues which people try to either pretend that they do not exist due to their own best interest, people who ignore these issues, as well as those brave individuals who have the courage to stand out above the rest to make a change in this world. But i ask myself what does it take to truly be able to say that you have managed to make a change for the best in this world? Is it taking a stand by using your freedom of speech in public places such as the freemont strip or UNLV campus in order to attempt to force on others your religious views? Is it done so by changing your Facebook profile picture from yours to that of a cartoon for a few days to help bring awareness of child abuse?
   Throughout this past week of preparing for my finals as well as simply observing what goes on around on campus, and what is taking place within my social life, as well as being a part of a close friends final project for his sociology class which he choose to put together a montage against GLBT bullying, It all really got me thinking all the writers which I have read this semester from this class and all my others, I've learned to agree with most writers, art does last forever! What does this have to do with what I have been rambling on about you may ask yourself?
   Well its simple, all of my favorite writers till this day including: Alexander Pope, as well as William Blake, Jonathan Swift and many others demonstrate this within there writings which all have great meaning and purpose behind them. A few examples of how this is done is demonstrated with Alexander Pope's, "The Rape of the Lock" for the fact that his work demonstrated how being so vain leads nowhere good, and these women who are nothing more then beauties should realize that before its too late! William Blake's, Songs from the Innocence and his Songs from the experienced are multiple poems which demonstrate the struggles that many in the world had to go through whether simply innocent children and or grown adults. William Blake also was and artist who made plate paintings that went with his poetry and provided a visual to go with his writings. Lastly Jonathan Swift was a man good with words and who used this to his advantage to get what he wanted out to the world with the use of satires.
   So what does it take to create a change? Getting out there one way or another! If you manage to catch the interest of at least one individual and that manages to get the attention of others then by all means do it! Raise awareness after all, theres no harm in that! But be smart about how you raise awareness, its better to do something that will create a long lasting change in the lives of others or yourself, then to simply take part in something that will fade off and be forgotten.

Happy Holidays!!! :)

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