Many thoughts and ideas came to mind when it came to me beginning the brain storming process of writing my paper. The idea that greatest brought my attention was the thought of whether heroes were truly heroes or simply men with plenty of issues and flaws. The heroes we have been reading about have all proven to act very selfishly. Whether their selfish acts were caused by desires to be the best, and to increase their own ego's, or for a loved one, or simply for having the drive to live their life for as long as possible, these heroes have shown their true colors in many ways.
The hero stories which captured me the most have in fact been those of Beowulf as well as that of Lancelot. The reasons why these two knights and heroes have captured my attention greatly was for the fact that Lancelot created a love triangle which led to many deaths including that of his own. Where as Beowulf has reached an intense level of desire to win and be the best, and be able to brag of everything he does.
This led me to the simple question are these men truly heroes? or simply knights filled with flaws? Do these flaws make these heroes any less worthy? Do these knights still have good intentions at heart? Are they still following chivalry? Or are they just acting on what is for their own best? Although these men are acting selfish in many ways they do care for others.
In many ways it just seems as if these men are putting themselves before others for once. However, isn't that natural human nature? Is it simply not considered acceptable for heroes for the fact that a thought has been placed in our minds that states that heroes should place the lives of others before themselves; however, there is in reality nothing wrong with them being selfish at times. In fact it is very probable that the reason why heroes like Beowulf and Lancelot act in the manner in which they do is for the simple fact that they have high expectations which have been created of them, and therefore anything less then these expectations are considered to be unacceptable in the eyes of many.
This leads me to the answer that even though beowulf and Lancelot are in fact filled with various flaws, it does not change the fact that they are not perfect human beings, they are allowed to have flaws like the rest, and they are not any less worthy or heroic for acting selfishly at times. At the end of the day they still have saved the lives of many, and have in fact served all their chivalry duties that are expected of them as knights. They are honest and true honorable men for their people, while at the same time looking to do what's best for themselves as well.
So I'm not sure I follow why high expectations translate into an understanding of their faults. Also, selfishness might be human nature, but how do you view your heroes in relation to human nature? Where is the line between acceptable flaw and unheroic flaw?